What do you need?
A signed certificate that identifies you.
A computer with connection to the Internet.
To be registered as a subscriber to the service*.
How is it done?
It’s very simple, follow these steps:
1. Go to https://www.registradores.org/
2. Select the “Documentation and Downloads” option.
3. In “Submission Requests”, select “REVOCATION OF POWERS”.
4º. Cumplimenta y firma electrónicamente la instancia.
5. Identify yourself with your signed certificate and go to https://sede.registradores.org/site/home.
6º. Cumplimenta todas las casillas y adjunta en el apartado documentos “la instancia” que hemos preparado anteriormente. Firma y envía la presentación.
It’s done.
The request for revocation of powers has now been sent to the corresponding mercantile registry. When you send it, you can download a technical acknowledgement of the submission, with details of the date and time of submission.
How effective is it?
Una vez realizada la revocación del poder en el registro, se recibe una certificación electrónica, imprimible en papel, con código seguro de verificación (CSV), que permite comprobar su autenticidad.
Once the revocation has been registered, a record of the revocation will appear when you try to check its validity.
The effects of the revocation of powers are exactly the same as them by any other procedure, resulting from its entry into the Mercantile Registry.
*To register (a one-off operation that will allow you to use the electronic submission for a multitude of operations). Follow these steps to register: Go to https://sede.registradores.org/site/acceso, click on “Register” and select the last option relating to “electronic submission” then fill in all the details.
If you require our help, don’t hesitate to contact us by clicking HERE